
Planters Bunch

Sea Isle, Galveston, Texas

Planters Bunch began in 1983, after Hurricane Alicia, when several Sea Isle residents decided to try to enhance the beauty of the subdivision through floral planting and landscaping in the public areas.

Planters Bunch has grown so much from those days.  Our organization sponsors numerous events and activities each year, such as the Spaghetti Dinner, Pancake Breakfast, Easter Egg Hunt, Rummage/Bake/Jewelry Sale, Garden Tour, Patriotic Golf Cart Parade, Trick or Treat in the Park, the BBQ Cookoff, the Chili Cookoff, the Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Party, fishing tournaments, the beach cleanup, Community Game night, and Yard of the Month Awards. Planters Bunch also sponsors a scholarship for post high school education (the application is on his website under the News menu item).We have a Planting Committee that does AWESOME work year round in many of the subdivision’s public areas; most especially our entrance beds and the community garden located adjacent to our mail room. 

You can see where Planters Bunch has made some improvements at the Park, in the kids play area.  Planters Bunch has purchased some new, very sturdy playground equipment.  Adjacent to the kids area there are some exercise stations that Planters Bunch purchased for anyone wanting some exercise.

We meet the 1st Saturday of most months @Fire Station #8. We generally don’t meet in July due to the Patriotic Parade, or in December due to the Christmas party.  At our meetings we have speakers on various interesting topics, share lunch with our neighbors, and draw (or play standup bingo) for door prizes. And it’s always good to see, and talk with, your neighbors!

We hope you’ll consider joining.  The cost is minimal, only $25 per family per year.  The cause is a good one, too.